Futsal Rules

🌟🌟 Beehive's Golden Rules ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ

Be nice to each other,

Be nice to your referees,

Show up on-time, 

Know the rules.




There are five players on the court (minimum of 2 of each gender), so 4 players and 1 goalie. You will play two twenty-minute halves with a running clock. Ties during regular season stay as a tie. Playoff ties are decided by two 5 minute periods of golden goal extra time followed by a best of 3 penalty shootout.


Beginning of Game


The beginning of the game will start with the captains performing rock/paper/scissors. The winning captain will then have one of three options, choose to kick-off first half, kick-off second half or choose a goal to defend. 




Consists of the ball being placed at mid-court. The ball must be kicked and contacted by another player. If a ball is contacted twice by the same player, the opposing will be awarded the kick-off. Kick-offs are direct and you can score off the kick-off.




Teams will have until 10 minutes past the designated start time to field a legal team. Shorthanded teams may play a legal game with a minimum of 4 players, with at least one of them being a female.




Teams may substitute on the fly. There is no limit on the amount of substitutions per team/per game. *NOTE in order to substitute a player the original player must be off the court/field before the new player enters the field of play.




Play will be divided into (2) 20 minute halves separated by a brief halftime. There will be a running clock maintained by a referee. The clock will stop only during time-outs and injury time-outs. Any delay tactics will allow the referee (at his/her discretion) to stop the clock.




There will be one referee overseeing every game.


Mercy Rule


  • An extra player allowed to play on the losing team if the winning team is up by more than 5 goals. That extra player can also use their hands when inside their goalie box.


    Example: Team A is winning 6-1. It Team A scores again, then Team B gets to bring on an extra player. That extra player can use their hands while inside their own penalty box. If Team B scores, and the goal differential between the two teams is less than 5, the extra player must leave the court.




Fouls - 


All fouls will be direct kicks with one exception (see below). In the event of a foul outside of the basketball 3 point line, the ball is to be placed at the point of the infraction and to be put in play by any player on the affected team. No opposing player is allowed to be within 5 steps of ball prior to kick unless the offensive team determines they'd like to "quick play" which means they do not need to wait for the official to pace off the spot of the ball. Within the 3 point line, players must wait for the referee to place the ball and pace out half the distance to the goal before starting play. The official will signal to the kicking player they can start.


If a player is against the wall and their ability to leave the wall is obstructed by at least two players. The ball will be set on the ground and played as an indirect restart (simliar to a ball that goes out of bounds).


Out of Bounds - 


Anytime the ball goes out of bounds, a indirect kick will ensue. The person kicking in the ball must kick the ball in from the nearest point to the ball going out of play. The ceiling is considered out of bounds and will result in an indirect kick from the nearest sideline. The back wall is out of play and will result in a corner or goal kick depending on the last touch. All parts of the hoops on the endlines are in play. Only the backboard and the rim on the sidelines are in play.


Penalty Kicks -


A penalty within the box will result in a PK. This PK will be a 1:1 between one player and the goal keeper. The offensive player will start the ball at mid-court. They may then dribble into a 1:1 with the keeper in an attempt to score. The goal keeper may also come out of the goal in an attempt to stop the PK. If the goal keeper handles the ball outside of the box, the PK will be retaken. If the player scores, the ball will be restarted as normal. If the goal keeper saves the attempt, the ball will be restarted as a goal kick.


Slide Tackling -


Slide tackling is NEVER allowed. If a player slide tackles, the referee can remove them from the game. Goalies may go to ground to stop the ball but cannot slide tackle feet first.


Offsides - 


There is no offsides.


Fighting - 


Fighting is not allowed and will NOT be tolerated.


Taking a shit at mid court in protest of a referee's call - 


Taking a shit at mid court in protest of a referee's call is not allowed. Also, jesus, what is wrong with you.




Playoff games will follow the same format during regulation as the regular season. Playoff ties are decided by two 5 minute periods of golden goal extra time followed by a best of 3 penalty shootout.


Shootout Specifics


  1. Each team selects 3 players (1 male, 2 females). Teams will alternate taking penalty shots (guys and girls must alternate). Best of 3 shots wins. If more penalties are necessary to break the tie, if a team makes and the other team misses, they win.


Substitute Players


Subs are welcome to join Beehive during the regular season for up to 3 weeks. They can fill in for any reason without needing to notify us. Just show up with a good attitude and a basic knowledge of the rules. 


If they wish to continue playing they need to join the roster by registering on the website. No, we don't have an enforcement mechanism for this except our trust in your human integrity.


During the playoffs the following stipulations will be strictly observed:


  • You must have all playoff subs approved before the start of playoffs. (This means your team should have a chat before the playoffs to ascertain if/when roster players aren't going to make games so the captain can find subs/contact the league with appropriate requests).


  • There is a limit on the number of subs that you may request (Kickball/Softball/Flag Football - 3 subs; Soccer/Dodgeball/Sand Volleyball/Indoor Volleyball/Futsal/Basketball - 2 subs; Cornhole/Darts/Pickleball - No subs are allowed).


  • You cannot request subs if you have enough rostered players to field a team. For example: Kickball is a 10v10 sport. If you have 14 players on your kickball roster and 4 are injured, you cannot request subs as you still have 10 (enough to field a full team). If you have 11 on your kickball roster and 3 are injured, you may request 2 subs so that you have 10 players.


  • Teams found to be in violation of any substitute player rules here can be retroactively forfeited from advancing (ie we find out after your first round game but before your second round game that you violated the rules, the team you beat will advance in your place).


  • In the past, subs would only be approved for injury and illness. Now, subs will be approved for whatever reason you deem them necessary (work trips, concerts, weddings, etc all fine).


  • The season being extended due to inclement weather doesn't change any of the other substitute player stipulations listed here.


  • Approved subs (or your rostered players) must be used the entirety of the playoffs (you can't have Jane and Sally sub the first week of playoffs and Joan and Sarah the second week of playoffs).